8 health conditions I struggled with as an HSP

Happy Sunday, Soothers. If there's one thing I know about highly sensitive people after having coached and taught hundreds of us over the last five years, is that a lot of us are really sick.

Chronic pain. Autoimmune conditions. Struggles to conceive. Digestive issues. Mysterious full body pain. PCOS. Endo. PMDD. Long COVID. Thyroid issues. Burn out. Energy issues. Extreme fatigue. Deep anxiety. Deep depression. Mold. Lyme. Anything else you can think of.

I think of highly sensitive people as the canaries in the health coalmine, and what we're telling everybody else... is that things have gotten pretty bad.

I’ve never had one BIG health condition that took over my life as an HSP, like I know many of you struggle with. But I had plenty of little ones. 

Hair loss. Chronic UTIs and yeast infections. Energy crashes and fatigue. A weird amount of cavities?! Severe PMDD. Low libido. Unexplained weight gain. And of course, anxiety and mood swings.

Now at age 44, using holistic methods, natural healing principles, diet and more, I feel better than ever. I don't use supplements. I don’t have a restrictive diet I have to adhere to 24/7 or complicated protocols I need to follow. I rarely work out (besides walking plenty). So how did I do it?

What I’ve learned is that many health conditions HSPs struggle with are a symptom of a larger condition: “low redox.” 

Essentially, our “charge” as an electrical system (which we are) is low, and drained. 

Here's how: Electrons/electricity is an essential currency of the body. Electrons in the body are used in the mitochondrial electron transport chain to make water, CO2 and ATP for the cells. The ability of mitochondria to do this determines a cell that is healthy versus a cell that is dysfunctional. 

Modern indoor living divorces us from key electron-rich sources like sunlight, the earth, and natural water. Our cells and energy levels suffer, putting us at risk for a host of infections, diseases, autoimmune conditions or energy shortages that our system would normally be able to resolve or stave off just fine if we lived more naturally.

When I began addressing my low redox or voltage by plugging into natural sources of electrons and nature, almost all of my random health conditions improved. 

  • I haven’t had a cavity in two years. (Also, my gums, which were receding... stopped doing that?)

  •  My hair has stopped falling out

  • My libido is back

  • I have amazing energy and high quality sleep 

  • I haven’t had a UTI or yeast infection in 3 years 

  • My PMDD is gone and my periods are regular

  • I easily lost about 8 extra stubborn pounds I’d been carrying for years

And here's how I did it:

  • Got my light environment right (saw sunrise, plenty of light during the day and reduced artificial light at night)

  • Reduced EMFs and blue screens from tech in my environment

  • Earthed every day for 15-45 minutes

  • Ate a savory, protein + fat adequate breakfast within one hour of waking

  • Had adequate protein at all meals and started eating more seafood (which supports the electron transport chain)

  • Stopped eating 4 hours before bed (and/or after sunset)

  • Remineralized my water

  • Quit coffee and alcohol

And here's what I think:

No matter your health condition as an HSP, you can improve what you’re struggling with with these strategies, too. Because we’re increasing the voltage of your cells via these tactics, all quality health improves. So I don’t care if it’s IBS or menopause, thyroid issues or weight gain, hair loss or chronic cavities, fatigue and feeling drained or sleep issues, anxiety and depression, fertility issues or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, mold or Lyme (and for many of you, it’s many or even all of these and more). 

My belief is they can all be positively impacted by the tools of circadian rhythm, electron support, light environment and being more in nature to charge your voltage.

Ready to try it out, in community, with guidance and support from me? 

Come join my free 5-day Recharge Your Light challenge. [Sign up at this page]

We start tomorrow. For 5 days, we'll practice small shifts each day to try out some of these tactics, together, in community and with my guidance.

Day 1: see sunrise light
Day 2: wear blue blockers after sunset
Day 3: ground on earth for 5-10 minutes
Day 4: turn off wifi & bedroom electronics overnight
Day 5: take 3 light breaks in the middle of the day

You'll be invited into a free private pop-up community to discuss strategies and results of these tactics, to chat with other HSPs looking for health and vitality and nature, and have access to me to ask any questions you like around this topic.

Ready? Sign up for free here: https://www.catherinedandrews.com/recharge

And we'll begin tomorrow!

This challenge supports the full Recharge Your Light course, a 6-week educational course to learn how to improve your energy, vitality, well-being and health through a holistic lens, that taps into the healing powers of nature, environment, natural light, and more. 

And we’ll do it in a community of other HSPs who are looking for healing and vitality just like you, who GET it.

Because one thing I know that heals, besides these tactics from nature?

Being in a supportive community.

So let's go. 

I'll see you tomorrow for day 1, of seeing sunrise. 

Let's reclaim light and nature, and our energy and vitality.

Let's get recharged.


251: Join the Recharge Your Light 5-day Challenge, starting tomorrow!


250: Having a grounded conversation about the health effects of EMFs on HSPs