A peek into the Sunday Soother membership and why I'm doing it

Happy Sunday, Soothers. You may recall me promoting this here and there with links and encouragements to join the waitlist, but it's all getting super real: The Sunday Soother membership opens to waitlist registration on March 21! That's this Tuesday!

I really try to keep the main essay of each Sunday Soother away from pure promotion or marketing from my business stuff, but I wanted to write about the membership this week because I think it will become an integral part of my Sunday Soother offerings and brand. Some of you may be curious and wish to know more; some of you may not care to join but are interested in a behind-the-scenes-look into my business and decisions; some of you may care zero, in which case, come back next week for more regularly scheduled Soother programming.

But for those of you curious about the membership and wanting to know more, either from a content or business perspective, let's dive on in!

The basics: I'm launching a membership program that I intend to be a gathering and teaching place for the personal, creative, spiritual and entrepreneurial growth of the highly sensitive person. There will be three tiers: the first tier is $11 a month and gets you weekly Tarot and intention-setting circles. The second tier is $22 a month and gets you the Tarot, plus a monthly New Moon Journal Circle. The third tier is $44 a month and gets you all that, plus a monthly masterclass on a topic relevant to my audience (inner child work, money, journaling, etc). Some folks have asked if this will include access to my past courses; it will not. (Though, my courses are on sale until March 31 for $100 off right now, use the code SOOTHER100, if that's of interest!)

Why I'm doing this: My entire business is basically an experiment where I get an idea and can't shake it til I try it out, and doing a membership style has been on my mind for over a year. But for some reason I couldn't wrap my head around the logistics of it. There were so many ways to take it. Should I do a Patreon... should I do a heavy coaching-style membership that cost over $100 a month... I stayed stuck in confusion and paralysis for a long time, until earlier this year where I did a reader survey, got a lot of great feedback from many of you on what you actually wanted and needed, and promised myself I could just experiment with this for a year. If it works, great, let's keep going. If not, a year isn't that long really in the grand scheme of a business, and I'd have a ton of data and information from it.

I really also am doing this because I know there are lots of folks out there who want access to more community and my teachings at an accessible price point. My Soothe mastermind costs between $5-$10,000; my 1:1 coaching costs $6,000; my courses cost around $1,000 (but the self-paced versions cost $497 and are now on sale for $100 off with the code SOOTHER100); and I have one-off workshops or smaller courses from between $30-$300. For those who can't afford those offerings, I hope this will fill this gap and also create a funnel of more people to maybe eventually trickle into higher-priced offerings, too. With a recession, scary bank failures, all that, I understand wanting a more affordable option.

I also want to reach more people. I think I have important stuff to say about intention, spirituality, healing and being a highly sensitive person and I want more people to hear it. I think I'm a REALLY GOOD teacher too, especially around spiritual or healing concepts that can feel vague or hard to grasp. This membership is my offering to begin to make that happen at a larger scale. Gulp. I'm trying to own it!!

I'm also a somewhat-savvy business person, I think, and I know it's never bad to DIVERSIFY!!! your income streams. Says this somewhat-savvy business person.

How it works for Tier 1: You show up every Sunday at 10amET for an hour to a Zoom. I will do a Tarot reading for the whole group for the week ahead, to give us some grounding into what kind of themes or energy may show up. From there I'll pick 1-3 people to do a short personal Tarot reading for in front of the group (and whoever gets read for, always is picking up themes for everybody, so everybody will get something out of it). Then we'll have a short time to do some journaling and reflection for the week ahead. These replays will stay up for 48 hours so you can still tune in if you can't make it live some weeks. Oh! You also get lifetime access to the Sunday Soother Slack in all tiers! Yup that's right, say you sign up for one month at $11, (or another price level) but then decide it's not for you, you still get to stay in the Slack.

How it works for Tier 2: All of the above, plus you'll get a monthly 60-90 minute New Moon Journal Circle with me. In these, we'll come together to be led through a guided meditation and visualization by me and to do some journaling and Tarot on the themes of the new moon and what seeds we want to plant in our lives for the months ahead. Replays are available permanently for these, so you can watch the recording at any time you need to (though attending live is special!).

How it works for Tier 3: All of the above, plus you'll get a 60-90 minute masterclass each month on a theme relevant to yours (hopefully!) and my interests. There is also a special private channel for this level where, throughout the month, we can chat, ask questions of each other, share insights, etc, on whatever we're learning about. Sometimes there will be a custom workbook, depending on the topic. Lifetime replays for these.

Content for Tier 3, with the masterclasses: Here is my content plan for the rest of 2023 (subject to change!!!)

April: Nervous system education for HSPs

May: Money and abundance and changing your money story

June: Inner child healing

July: Journaling (and 21 day journal challenge!)

August: Manifestation for HSPs/empaths

September: Learning about EFT tapping, and a 21-day EFT Tapping challenge

October: Shadow work & embracing our dark side

November: Energetic protection for the holidays

December: Reflection and casting the vision for the year ahead

Intrigued by this line up and want to know more? I also talk more in-depth about the masterclass content on this week's episode of the Sunday Soother podcast.

Pricing if you're on the waitlist: I am offering a special one-time founding members annual price for each tier. If you sign up for Tier 1, it'll be $99 for the whole year. Tier 2, $222. Tier 3, $444. These founding member prices are lifetime so as long as the membership is in place the price stays the same. The founding members offer deal runs from March 21-March 31 at midnight then it expires forever. It won't be coming back.

Where does it live/how do I access?/when does it all start?: The membership founding member rates will be open for enrollment on March 21. Content starts in April (April 9th, for the Tarot folks, in particular). All of this will be living on my e-course platform, Kajabi. You also get to play around in Slack. All meetings will be taking place on Zoom.

What if it's not my time zone?: I really struggled with this because I know I have plenty of folks in Europe and Australia in particular, but the survey revealed that like 85% of my interested audience is America-time-zone based, so other than the Tarot stuff (weekly 10amET on Sundays) much of the content WILL be taking place in evenings, east coast time. But there are replays, and here and there I will be sprinkling in a Noon EST class or two!

How will I know it's a success?: Financially, I'm not sure. I'll know more at the end of a year. Did what I made in money reflect the effort and work it took? I'm willing to experiment until then. I mean, if two people sign up in March, it will NOT be a success, lol, but hey, that's data! It's really hard to predict numbers, so I haven't really set any concrete goals around this product. A few dozen people could sign up, or maybe a few hundred. I genuinely don't know! So my success is measured on, do I like what I'm creating? Is the community learning and getting value? How does my energy feel around it? I generally tend to use intuition more on success than goals and hard numbers, so you'll know more when I do!

And that's it! I hope this look into my decision-making process and the facets of the membership was interesting and instructive and encouraging!

If your curiosity is piqued, make sure sure you're on the membership waitlist, as that is the ONLY place the founding members deals will be advertised!


200: Celebrating 200 episodes and answering all of your questions!


199: Everything you need to know about the Sunday Soother Membership!