186: The difference between setting ego goals and aligned, heart-centered goals

If I know anything about my Soother audience, it's that you love to set you some goals. And I'm with you! Goal-setting is one of my talents. And, at the same time, as I've delved more deeply into alignment, energy, and connecting with my heart's desires, there are some things about goal-setting I've discovered that can actually be blocking us from achieving our heart's and soul's desires.

In today's episode, I'm delving into the difference between setting goals from your ego, and setting goals from your soul and heart's truth; how this can impact the goal achieving process; how to know if you are setting a goal from ego or from the heart; and share personal stories of when I was setting goals from ego and how I've moved more into heart-centered goal-setting.

Ready to set your goals in a heart-centered, aligned way? Join me for my annual Intentional and Intuitive Goal-Setting Workshop, Wednesday, January 4th, 8-9:30pmET (lifetime replay provided). Settle in with your candles, tea, cozy music and journal for 90 minutes of presentation on intuitive and intentional goal-setting, and tuning into your themes and goals for 2023. This workshop will be a mix of me teaching, live exercises, and a custom workbook to help you align to your word of the year and heart goals for 2023. Sliding scale from $22-$66, get your tickets here.

Ready to go deeper into your growth, self-discovery, and healing journey? Soothe, my mastermind for highly sensitive women ready to live unapologetically, will open to the public in December. Read more about Soothe at catherinedandrews.com/soothe

The Sunday Soother podcast is a spin-off of The Sunday Soother, a weekly newsletter that creates conversations around compassionate personal development and helps readers access their spirituality, magic and mindfulness in practical, actionable ways.

You can find Catherine @candrews on Twitter and Instagram @catherineandrews, and her coaching website is catherinedandrews.com.


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