188: Archetypes, joy, and self-worth in Soothe with Hilary and Afua

Hi Soothers! Soothe, my year-long mastermind for highly sensitive women, closes for enrollment on December 22. There are six spots left; is one of them yours? Book a call here to find out. And today, to help you learn more about past participants' experiences in Soothe, I have on Hilary and Afua, who were in a small group together in Soothe last year. 

We talk about the joy of finding other highly sensitive women and being in community for them in a year (or longer; like others, Afua and Hilary's small group continues to meet now); the relief and insight the Soothe program gave them; and we talk about the power of archetype work, including Hilary's archetype, a Soothe favorite, Diana Bowie - a mix of Diana the Huntress and David Bowie (trust me, it makes sense when you listen). Afua took a work sabbatical a few years ago, and Hilary started a work sabbatical while in Soothe, so we touch on quitting jobs too and what that's like. Enjoy this conversation!

Wondering what it's like to join Soothe, the year-long experience, and what the small groups are like? This week's discussion will give you deep insight.

Wondering if Soothe is right for you? Read more about Soothe at catherinedandrews.com/soothe and book your discovery call with me there. Soothe is open for enrollment until December 22.

The Sunday Soother podcast is a spin-off of The Sunday Soother, a weekly newsletter that creates conversations around compassionate personal development and helps readers access their spirituality, magic and mindfulness in practical, actionable ways.

You can find Catherine @candrews on Twitter and Instagram @catherineandrews, and her coaching website is catherinedandrews.com.


We don't own, we steward


187: Hear from a Soothe small group