221: Why do your bodies and menstrual cycles matter in leadership, and how can you begin to align with them?

Hey Soothers! Here's something I deeply believe: the body is a sacred vessel. It is the physical container for and way we express our heart, soul and mind in the world. However, too many of us rarely consider our bodies in this process, and it's hard to slow down to connect and listen to its needs and wisdoms. I find HSPs in particular can really struggle with this, as we may have had to disconnect early on in life from our bodies and live mostly in our analytical heads. But the reality is the wisdom of our bodies, and then the care of our bodies, is so important in our work, our leadership, and our life. So today I dive into one way we can begin to get back in rhythm and touch with our bodies — our menstrual cycles. Don't have a cycle? I'll teach you some nature-based strategies for aligning with a similar approach and energy.

The future of the world is leadership that is cyclically informed, respectful of our bodies' needs and wisdom, and aligned to a natural cycle. Tuning into our bodies and menstrual cycles is one important way to begin to create this future.

Join me for three days in September for the Highly Sensitive Person Leadership Summit! For one hour each night, in community, on September 5, 6 and 7, we’ll come together to discuss three elements of leadership that are particularly important for Highly Sensitive People.

The Sunday Soother podcast is a spin-off of The Sunday Soother, a weekly newsletter that creates conversations around compassionate personal development and helps readers access their spirituality, magic and mindfulness in practical, actionable ways.

You can find Catherine @candrews on Twitter and Instagram @catherineandrews, and her coaching website is catherinedandrews.com.


Small is the skill we'll need for the future


220: What two kittens recently taught me about the principles of non-attachment